The Historical Romance Critic reviews Ruined by Rumor
by admin on May.30, 2012, under Author news, Reviews
On his review site today, the Historical Romance Critic calls Ruined by Rumor “one of the best historical romances I’ve ever read” and gives it 5+ out of 5 stars. (He even tagged the review “best-damn-book-ever.”) Every writer loves a favorable review, but what makes it particularly rewarding is that the Historical Romance Critic is “a dude.” It’s nice to know there are men out there reading the genre!
Heroes and Heartbreakers review
by admin on May.16, 2012, under Reviews
Author Victoria Janssen (Moonlight Mistress, The Duke and the Pirate Queen) gave Ruined by Rumor a lovely review at the Heroes and Heartbreakers blog. “Everett’s lighthearted dialogue was again a feature, as was the old-school Regency romance plot, but what I really loved was her hero.” Click here to read the full review.
Thanks, Victoria and Heroes and Heartbreakers!
Why I love librarians
by admin on May.03, 2012, under Reviews
Just when I badly needed something to turn my day around [insert woeful personal tale of incontinent spaniel recovering from liver surgery], LibraryJournal gave Ruined by Rumor a review that did it: “…an ideal read for historical and Regency romance lovers. Wonderfully human characters, appropriate dialog, and thorough world-building mark Everett as an author to keep on a list of must-reads.” Did I mention that I love librarians? In this case, the reviewer is even from my neck of the woods.
Click here to read the full review (it’s the second book down).